Five for Friday

Friday, May 1, 2009

TGIF! This week has slowly dragged by. Maybe everyone's moods will brighten over the weekend. Why so glum you ask? Let's see....

1. It's been dark, cloudy and rained all week.
2. This causes great concern in our house as it means the planter hasn't left the machine shed this week.
3. This causes greater concern for farmers statewide as only 4% of the corn has been planted here.
4. Though Ron has gotten several trials in the ground, there is now at least one under water.
5. But things are looking up. The sun is supposed to come out tomorrow, and next week may be a little drier!


Farming Fabulously said...

Dito...We can relate....

Jennifer said...

I hope it gets drier!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting yesterday! I really appreciate it! I love, love, love your header! You two are adorable! :-)