
Monday, June 15, 2009

It was all about survival last week....and we made it. You may have noticed the lack of blogging. Life had taken over!

Work was well, work and we earned every penny last week. The good news, my pest detection program I coordinate is receiving extra funding this year. The bad news, I had to write 3 different work plans last week on top of trying to function normally. Throw in wedding dress shopping with a Dawn and girls, hiking 6+ miles on Saturday for Ron's field class, and then the Cub's game yesterday. Boy oh boy, I'm wiped!

Never fear, I've got some great photos to share and will hopefully keep up this week. I know (wink, wink) that you all are excited to keep up with us!


lisa said...

Boy, you have been busy. Cub's game now that is cool.