Sunday Stills: Go High, Go Low

Sunday, February 1, 2009

When I first saw this week's challenge from Sunday Stills - Go High, Go Low, I thought of our trip to Arizona this past December. I think this photo definitely qualifies for the "Go High" part of the directive.

But I think that would technically be cheating since I didn't take the photo this past week.

I did a lot of traveling for work this past week, but there wasn't a whole lot of time for photos in between meetings. On Friday we spent the afternoon examining an area in Chicago for gypsy moth egg masses. This photo has several egg masses (which will hatch later this spring) as well as a pupal casing from last summer (that's what the moth emerges from). Gypsy moth larvae can cause severe defoliation of trees in areas where there are high populations. How's that for a little scientific lesson incorporated into Sunday Stills?


Caffienated Cowgirl said...

I love the gypsy moth shot...and thanks for the lesson :)

Flo said...

Great science lesson :) Love the Grand Canyon picture. Beautiful.

Mine is up at

Rising Rainbow said...

The Grand Canyon is so beautiful.

I didn't know that's what gypsy moth eggs looked like. Thanks for the lesson.

Andrea said...

Beautiful shot of the Grand Canyon...definitely high!! :)

Ed said...

The canyon shot is deffinatly high, and love the moth shot...

Jen Mo said...

Thanks for the lesson in Science! I am a total science geek! Love it!!!!!! Your photos are great! Love the Grand Canyon, it's totally awesome!

Far Side of Fifty said...

The Grand Canyon shot is beautiful! Thanks for the Gypsy Moth lesson:)

VioletSky said...

Evil, evil, Gypsy Moths (we have them, too) but have never looked for egg masses. Now I don't have to.

gtyyup said...

Us too in Oregon...lots of problems with Gypsy Moths...nasty buggers.

Beautiful shot of the Grand Canyon!

J9 said...

Thank-you for the science - I can say I learned something today!