Christmas Day

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas day we headed north to my folks house. We got there just in time see my cousins and aunt and uncle. As we were pulling in the drive, my dad was taking the girls and Madison out for a snowmobile ride. Unlike Champaign that was covered in ice when we left, Morrison had lots of snow - perfect for taking out mom's new ride. We had plenty of fun on that in the couple of days we were there.

Madison, Papa, Cassidy and Corrina

Opening gifts was a lot of fun with Madison this year. She was very good at opening, although most of the time, she just wasn't sure what she was getting, but that didn't matter, she loved it all! If I can ever get my sister to update her blog (hint, hint), I'm sure there will be lots of photos and maybe even a video of Madison when she found out that Santa ate her cookies. Too cute.

Carefully opening

Trying out her new plastic food.

Telling her mom to "Get Out" of her new house.

We''ll head to Bloomington on Friday to have a mini-Christmas with Melissa, Erik, and Jackson. I'm sure we'll have lots more to share....but we're so lucky to have such a wonderful family to spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with. The gifts we received were great, but the time spent with the ones we love was wonderful!